Shipping & returns

  • Estimated delivery time for all product is between 6-15 days.
  • Each product will be printed for you after placing the order.
  • Shipping costs differ based on the type and quantity of products in an order.
  • Any claims for misprinted/damaged/defective items must be submitted within 14 days after the product has been received.
  • Incorrect address - if you provide an address that is considered insufficient by the courier, the delivery will be returned to our production facility. You will be liable for the cost of re-delivery once we have confirmed an updated address (if applicable).
  • For non-print-on-demand products only, free shipping and returns are valid within 30 days.
  • We accept returns exclusively for misprinted, damaged, or defective products. Please return these items within 30 days, and we will process your refund once we receive the returned merchandise.
  • You will receive the return address from us. It depends on where the order was fulfilled.